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(30 mins)
Season One of My Grandma's Diaries begin as Elisabeth Hartsell, a thirteen-year-old girl, lives a seemingly ordinary life with her family of seven in Monticello, Arkansas. Little did she know that within a year, her family would be swept into the depths of the Great Depression. Join us in experiencing the unfolding stories from Elisabeth's diaries, one entry at a time.
To watch Season 1 go HERE.
(1 hr 20 mins)
Season 2 picks up in 1932, when Elisabeth and her family move from Belle, Missouri, to Steprock, Arkansas. It was the middle of the great depression and the Hartsell family lived in a tent and picked cotton and strawberries. She vividly describes enduring freezing 2-degree weather in their tent and going without food for days. She navigates a love triangle involving Tommy and Henley and even hunts squirrel and possum for sustenance. Her diary entries reflect moments of triumph, like picking 65 pounds of cotton in one day and attending a one-room schoolhouse. Along the way, she introduces us to a cast of characters, including Aunt Etta, the postmistress, and her cousin Reva.
(1 hr 22 mins)
In the second part of Season 2, we delve into Elisabeth's life on a tenant farm in Steprock, Arkansas, during the Great Depression. This season unveils remarkable stories, including her message on a strawberry carton that found its way to a man in Minnesota. Amidst the struggles, she enjoys a trip to the carnival, relishing a 5-cent meal of hamburger, Coca-Cola, and popcorn. Elisabeth's days are filled with crafting quilts, reading, and playing with paper dolls. As the season progresses, a glimmer of hope emerges when her father secures a job with the federal CWA project. At the end of the season, the family finds themselves on the move once more. Get ready to savor this captivating journey!
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